Chọn ngôn ngữ

1442i - Thông báo về quyền riêng tư

The Department of Home Affairs in Australia collects and manages personal information for various purposes, including border control and immigration. Information may be shared with other government agencies, both within and outside Australia, as well as international organizations. The privacy policy outlines how the department handles personal information, including access, correction, complaints, and disclosures to foreign recipients.

thẻ tìm kiếm

  • Can I access my personal data that has been collected by the Department of Home Affairs?

    Yes, you have the right to access and correct your personal information held by the Department of Home Affairs. You can request access to your personal information by submitting a request in writing to the Department. The Department will then review your request and provide you with any relevant information that it holds about you. If you believe that the personal information held by the Department is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, you can ask the Department to correct it.

  • Can my personal data be shared with foreign governments?

    Yes, the Department of Home Affairs may share your personal information with foreign governments for immigration and national security purposes. This includes sharing biometric information such as fingerprints or facial recognition data. The Department may also share personal information related to criminal activity or fraud.

  • Can my personal data be shared with other organizations?

    Yes, the Department of Home Affairs may share your personal information with other organizations for immigration and national security purposes. This includes sharing information with organizations such as international agencies and non-governmental organizations.

  • Can my personal data be shared with other government agencies?

    Yes, the Department of Home Affairs may share your personal information with other Australian government agencies for immigration and national security purposes. This includes sharing information with agencies such as the Australian Border Force and the Australian Federal Police. The Department may also share your personal information with foreign governments for immigration purposes or to assist in investigations of criminal activity.

  • What happens to my personal data if I am not granted a visa?

    If you are not granted a visa or your application is refused, the Department of Home Affairs will generally retain your personal information in its database for a period of time before destroying it. This period of time varies depending on the reason for the refusal and any outstanding requests for review or appeal. If you have made a valid application for a visa or other immigration benefit, but withdrawn it prior to a decision being made, the Department may retain your personal information in its database until the application is no longer active.


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