Chọn ngôn ngữ

Mẫu đơn 1120-POL 2021

Tờ khai thuế thu nhập Hoa Kỳ cho một số tổ chức chính trị

Form 1120-POL is an income tax return for certain political organizations. For calendar year 2023, users need to check boxes for final return, name change, address change, or amended return. Sections include Dividends, Interest, Gross rents, Capital gain net income, Net gain or loss from Form 4797, Other income and nonexempt function expenditures, Total income, Deductions (Salaries and wages, Repairs and maintenance, Rents, Taxes and licenses, Interest, Depreciation, Other deductions), Taxable income, Income tax, Tax credits, Total tax, Payments (Tax deposited with Form 7004, Credit for tax paid on undistributed capital gains, Credit for federal tax on fuels, Elective payment election amount from Form 3520), Tax due, Overpayment. Additional information includes having an interest in or signature authority over a foreign financial account and receiving a distribution from or being the grantor or transferor of a foreign trust.

Hướng dẫn

  • What Is the Purpose of Form 1120-POL?

    Form 1120-POL is used by certain political organizations to figure and report their income taxes. It is due on the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of your organization’s tax year.

  • What Is Taxable Income?

    Taxable income for political organizations is generally defined as gross receipts from all sources during the tax year reduced by returns and allowances, less expenses paid or incurred to produce the income.

  • What Is Exempt Function and Exempt Function Income?

    Exempt function income is income derived from activities that further the organization’s exempt function. It is not subject to federal income tax.

  • Who Must File Form 1120-POL?

    Form 1120-POL is used by certain political organizations to figure and report their income taxes. If your organization is described in section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, you are generally required to file Form 1120-POL if you meet the requirements listed under Who Must File in the instructions for this form.

  • What Is Specified Taxable Income?

    Specified taxable income includes contributions received in a calendar year, up to a certain amount, and expenses paid or incurred on behalf of a candidate or candidate for office, as well as amounts reported under certain campaign finance reporting requirements.

  • When Is Form 1120-POL Due?

    Form 1120-POL is due on the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of your organization’s tax year.

  • What Other Reports and Returns May Be Required?

    Other reports and returns that may be required include, but are not limited to, Form 8871 (Report of Political Organization), Form 8872 (Statement of Candidates, Contributors, and Certain Political Organizations Regarding Certain Requirements Relating to Disqualified Persons), Form 8992 (Political Organization Report of Contributions Received), and Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax). For more information on these forms, see the instructions for each form.


Cách điền Mẫu 1120-POL miễn phí, trực tuyến với 3 bước đơn giản:

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Đơn thuế

Mẫu 1120-POL là một trong những Biểu mẫu khai thuế là văn bản dùng để khai báo các thông tin liên quan đến thuế với cơ quan thuế liên quan. Có nhiều loại biểu mẫu thuế khác nhau, bao gồm biểu mẫu thuế liên bang, tiểu bang và địa phương, có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào hoàn cảnh và địa điểm của người nộp thuế.


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