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Mẫu 8821 (Rev. Tháng 1 năm 2021)

Ủy quyền thông tin thuế

Form 8821(Rev. January 2021) is a tax information authorization form from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The form allows taxpayers to designate individuals to inspect and receive confidential tax information. The taxpayer must sign and provide their identification number, daytime telephone number, and taxpayer name and address. Designees' information is also required, including name, address, and contact details. Taxpayers must specify the type of tax information, tax form number, and periods for which authorization is given. The IRS will automatically revoke all prior tax information authorizations unless specified otherwise on line 5. Signature and date are required from the taxpayer or their representative.

Hướng dẫn

  • What is Form 8821 used for?

    Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, is used to grant the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) permission to disclose certain tax information to specified individuals or organizations.

  • Where can you find more information about Form 8821?

    You can find more information about Form 8821 on the official IRS website at, or by mailing your comments to Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.

  • What types of tax matters can be authorized on Form 8821?

    Form 8821 can authorize the IRS to disclose information related to various federal and state tax matters, including income tax, gift tax, estate and trust tax, employment tax, and excise tax.

  • What is the consequence of not filing Form 8821 when required?

    Failure to file Form 8821 when required may result in delays in processing your tax return or other adverse consequences. It could also limit the ability of the Specified Person to fulfill their responsibilities related to the tax matter.

  • What is a typical timeframe to complete and submit Form 8821?

    The estimated average time to complete and submit Form 8821 is approximately 54 minutes: 6 minutes for record retention, 12 minutes for understanding the law or granting authorization, and 36 minutes for preparing the form and sending it to the IRS.

  • Who can be a Specified Person in the context of a partnership?

    A Specified Person in the context of a partnership can be any partner with a capital interest of 1% or more, and their designated representative.

  • Who can be a Specified Person for estate and trust tax matters?

    For estate and trust tax matters, the Executor named in the estate's Form 56 (Notice of Intended Sale of Real Property) is considered a Specified Person.

  • What information does Form 8821 request?

    Form 8821 requests the name, address, and SSN or ITIN of both the Taxpayer and the Specified Person(s). It also requires a description of the relationship between the parties and the type of tax matters for which authorization is being granted.

  • Who can be listed as a Specified Person on Form 8821?

    A Specified Person can be an individual, partnership, corporation, estate, trust, or other entity that needs access to the taxpayer's information for IRS purposes.

  • What is the deadline for filing Form 8821?

    Form 8821 must be filed with your tax return (or by the due date of your tax return, if later) for the tax year in which you want the authorization to take effect.


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Đơn thuế

Mẫu 8821 là một trong những Biểu mẫu khai thuế là văn bản dùng để khai báo các thông tin liên quan đến thuế với cơ quan thuế liên quan. Có nhiều loại biểu mẫu thuế khác nhau, bao gồm biểu mẫu thuế liên bang, tiểu bang và địa phương, có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào hoàn cảnh và địa điểm của người nộp thuế.


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