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Mẫu 965-B (Rev. Tháng 1 năm 2021)

Báo cáo của Ủy thác Đầu tư Doanh nghiệp và Bất động sản (REIT) về Trách nhiệm Thuế Ròng 965 và Báo cáo Bầu Cử REIT của 965 Số tiền

[Form 965-B(Rev. January 2021)] This form is used by Corporate and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to report their net Section 965 tax liability and elect to pay installments. The form includes two parts: Part I for the Report of Net 965 Tax Liability and Election To Pay in Installments, and Part II for the Record of Amount of Net 965 Tax Liability Paid by the Taxpayer. In Part I, taxpayers report their net tax liability with and without Section 965 amounts, installment election, and net tax liability to be paid in full or in installments. In Part II, taxpayers record the amount of net 965 tax liability paid for each year and the net 965 tax liability remaining unpaid. For Part III, REITs electing to account for Section 965 amounts over time must fill out this part, reporting the year of inclusion and deduction, amount elected to be accounted for over time, portions accounted for in each year, portion accounted for in this reporting year, and the amount remaining to be accounted for.

Hướng dẫn

  • What happens if an acceleration event occurs?

    If an acceleration event occurs (e.g., liquidation, sale, exchange), the remaining section 965(a) inclusion and 965(c) deduction amounts must be taken into account as of the day before the event occurred and reported for the year in which the event occurred.

  • What is the purpose of Form 965-B?

    Form 965-B is used by S corporations to report their section 965 inclusion amounts and section 965(c) deduction amounts, as well as to make an election to report these amounts over time.

  • What are the required schedules for Form 965-B?

    Form 965-B requires Schedule M-1 and Schedule J. Schedule M-1 is used to report the section 965 inclusion amounts, while Schedule J is used to report the section 965(c) deduction amounts.

  • Is there any penalty for failing to file Form 965-B?

    Yes, there may be penalties for failing to timely file Form 965-B or for providing incorrect information. These penalties can include fines and additional taxes. The IRS may also assess a penalty if a REIT fails to make required estimated tax payments.

  • What is the due date for filing Form 965-B?

    Form 965-B is due on the same date that a REIT's annual income tax return (Form 1120 or Form 1120-REIT) is due.

  • How does a REIT calculate the amounts to report on Form 965-B?

    A REIT calculates the amounts to report on Form 965-B based on its portion of accumulated post-1986 earnings and profits (E&P) under sections 965(a) and 965(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The portions of the E&P are reported in columns (c)-(j) over a period of eight tax years. If an acceleration event occurs, the remaining E&P must be taken into account as of the day before the event.

  • Who is required to file Form 965-B?

    A REIT that has a section 965(a) inclusion for an earlier tax year and made an election under section 965(c) to report the inclusion over eight tax years must file Form 965-B.

  • What is the purpose of Form 965-B?

    Form 965-B is used by a REIT to report its portion of accumulated post-1986 earnings and profits (E&P) under sections 965(a) and 965(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). This form is also used to calculate and report the taxable income or loss from the section 965 E&P included in income.

  • What is the purpose of reporting section 965 amounts?

    The purpose of reporting section 965 amounts is to ensure compliance with Internal Revenue laws and allow the IRS to determine the correct amount of tax owed.

  • What is the due date for filing Form 965?

    The due date for filing Form 965 for the tax year 2021 was March 31, 2021. However, if a valid extension of time to file was granted, the extended due date was October 17, 2021.

  • What is the reporting year for Form 965-B?

    The reporting year for Form 965-B is the taxable year in which a REIT makes an election under section 965(c) to report its inclusion over eight tax years.

  • What is the general time period for reporting section 965 amounts over time?

    For an election made to report section 965 amounts over time, generally 8% of the amounts are taken into account in year 1, and so on until all amounts are accounted for over an 8-year period.


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Biểu mẫu thuế liên bang

Mẫu 965-B là một trong những biểu mẫu thuế Liên bang là tài liệu dùng để báo cáo và nộp thuế thu nhập liên bang với Sở Thuế vụ (IRS) tại Hoa Kỳ. Những biểu mẫu này được các cá nhân, doanh nghiệp và tổ chức sử dụng để báo cáo thu nhập, các khoản khấu trừ và thông tin liên quan khác cần thiết để tính nghĩa vụ thuế liên bang của họ.

Biểu mẫu thuế liên bang được sử dụng phổ biến nhất là Biểu mẫu 1040, được cá nhân nộp thuế sử dụng để báo cáo thuế thu nhập cá nhân của họ. Các biểu mẫu thường được sử dụng khác bao gồm Biểu mẫu 1065 dành cho quan hệ đối tác, Biểu mẫu 1120 dành cho các công ty và Mẫu 990 dành cho các tổ chức được miễn thuế.

Các biểu mẫu thuế liên bang thường yêu cầu người nộp thuế báo cáo nhiều nguồn thu nhập khác nhau, chẳng hạn như tiền lương, tiền lương và tiền boa, cũng như thu nhập từ đầu tư, tài sản cho thuê và các nguồn khác. Các biểu mẫu này cũng cho phép người nộp thuế yêu cầu các khoản khấu trừ và tín dụng cho các chi phí khác nhau, chẳng hạn như đóng góp từ thiện, lãi suất thế chấp và chi phí chăm sóc sức khỏe.

Điều quan trọng là phải nộp các biểu mẫu thuế liên bang một cách chính xác và đúng hạn, vì nếu không làm như vậy có thể bị IRS phạt và tính lãi.


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