Chọn ngôn ngữ

Verification Request

Use this form to verify an applicant’s immigration status when they are applying for federal, state, or local public benefits and licenses.

Form G-845 edition 04/08/21 Verification Request U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Registered Agency Information: Alien Registration Number, Form I-94 Number, Other Immigration Number, SEVIS Number, Case Verification Number, Documents Attached, Benefits Sought, Background Check, Driver's License/ID, Education Grant/Loan/Work Study, Employment Authorization, Food Stamps, Housing Assistance, Date of Birth, Social Security Number Applicant Information: Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Full Name of Agency Official, Case Verification Number, Registered Agency Case Number USCIS Responses: Lawful Permanent Resident, Conditional Permanent Resident, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), VAWA Self-Petitioner, Deferred Action Status, Withholding of Removal USCIS Comments: Unable to process request without an original consent of disclosure statement, Insufficient information submitted, Document illegible, Need both sides of immigration document

thẻ tìm kiếm

  • What is the Form I-94 Number?

    The Form I-94 Number is an electronic or paper record of an individual's entry and stay in the United States, maintained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

  • What is the A-Number?

    The A-Number is a unique identifier assigned to individuals by the U.S. government for immigration purposes.

  • What is the purpose of the USCIS Form G-845?

    The purpose of the USCIS Form G-845 is to verify an individual's immigration status and eligibility for employment in the United States as a nonimmigrant student (F-1).

  • What are the consequences if the Form G-845 is not submitted or processed on time?

    If the Form G-845 is not submitted or processed on time, an individual may face delays in their employment authorization, which can impact their ability to work and maintain their F-1 status.

  • What information is required in the Data Collection section?

    The Data Collection section requires information such as the applicant's full name, date of birth, U.S. Social Security Number, and employment authorization document number. It also includes a section for any additional evidence supporting lawful F-1 status.

  • What immigration documents can be submitted with the Form G-845?

    Immigration documents that can be submitted with the Form G-845 include a valid foreign government-issued document, such as a passport or ID card; U.S. government-issued documents, such as a Certificate of Naturalization or a Permanent Resident Card; and any other documents that establish an individual's immigration status.


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