Chọn ngôn ngữ

Form I-765V, Application for Employment Authorization for Abused Nonimmigrant Spouse

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Form I-765V, Application for Employment Authorization for Abused Nonimmigrant Spouse

Application for Employment Authorization for Abused Nonimmigrant Spouse

Certain abused nonimmigrant spouses may use Form I-765V to request an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). You may file for employment authorization if you are (or were) the abused spouse of a nonimmigrant who was admitted under INA section 101(a)(15)(A), (E)(iii), (G), or (H) [admitted in A, E-3, G, or H nonimmigrant status], and you either accompanied or later joined your abusive nonimmigrant spouse in the U.S.

This instruction provides a detailed guide on how to complete and file Form I-765V, Application for Employment Authorization, with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It covers all the required information, including personal details of the applicant, contact information, employment authorization request, and signatures. Additionally, it explains the roles of the interpreter, preparer, and attorney or accredited representative, if applicable.

thẻ tìm kiếm

  • What happens if my application for employment authorization under Form I-765V is denied?

    If USCIS cannot grant your application, you will receive a written notice explaining the basis of your denial.

  • What documents are required to be submitted with Form I-765V?

    Copies of original documents, the completed and signed Form I-765V, evidence of qualifying nonimmigrant status, and, if applicable, evidence of battery or extreme cruelty.

  • What is the estimated time to complete this form?

    The estimated time to complete this form, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering documentation, completing the application, preparing statements, attaching necessary documents, and submitting the application, is 3 hours and 45 minutes.

  • What is the title of this document?

    Instructions for Form I-765V, Application for Employment Authorization Due to Nonimmigrant Status

  • Who should use this form?

    Spouses of certain nonimmigrants who wish to apply for employment authorization based on their nonimmigrant status.

  • Which nonimmigrant categories qualify for employment authorization under Form I-765V?

    Nonimmigrants admitted under INA section 101(a)(15) subparagraphs (A), (E)(iii), (G), or (H).

  • Where should I mail my completed Form I-765V?

    You should mail your completed Form I-765V and supporting documentation to the USCIS office that has jurisdiction over the place where you live or where your spouse is located.


Cách điền Form I-765V miễn phí, trực tuyến với 3 bước đơn giản:

  1. 1
    Mở mẫu trong trình chỉnh sửa
    Nhấp vào nút “Tải mẫu này”.
  2. 2
    Điền vào Form I-765V
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  3. 3
    Tải tập tin
    Tải xuống miễn phí Form I-765V đã hoàn thành của bạn. Bạn cũng có thể lưu nó vào bộ nhớ đám mây.
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