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Australia Statutory Declaration Form

  1. Country Australia
  2. Language English
  3. Activity Join or bring family
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Australia Statutory Declaration Form

Statutory Declaration - Partner Visa Sponsor

This document outlines the requirements for making a statutory declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 in Australia, specifically for partner visa sponsors. The declaration includes details about the applicant's identity and relationship status, as well as their commitment to supporting the applicant's visa application. The document also specifies who is authorized to administer the oath or affirmation for taking the declaration.

  • What information needs to be provided in a Statutory Declaration for a Partner Visa (Sponsor)?

    The following information is required: full name, address, and occupation of the person making the declaration; mutual commitment to a shared life with your partner, including the nature and duration of the relationship; financial commitments you and your partner share; description of the nature of your household, including joint responsibility for the care and support of children; social aspects of your relationship; and a statement that the information provided is true and correct.

  • Who can witness a Statutory Declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959?

    A Statutory Declaration can be witnessed by certain authorized persons, including commissioners for declarations, justice of the peace, magistrates, and other specified individuals.

  • What types of declarations can be made under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959?

    The Statutory Declarations Act 1959 allows for various types of declarations to be made, including partner visa sponsor declarations, affidavits, and other types of declarations as permitted by law.

  • Who can make a Statutory Declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959?

    A person who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident can make a Statutory Declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959. The declaration must be made before a person authorized to witness statutory declarations.

  • What are the consequences of making a false declaration in a Statutory Declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959?

    Making a false or misleading statement in a Statutory Declaration is a serious offense and can result in criminal charges, fines, or other penalties.


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Join or Bring Family Forms

Statutory Declaration Form is one of application forms that individuals use to sponsor and facilitate the immigration or reunion of their family members in a different country. These forms are often associated with family-based immigration programs or policies that allow individuals who are already residing in a particular country to bring their immediate family members to join them. The specific forms may vary depending on the country and its immigration system, but here are some common examples:

Family Sponsorship Application Form: This is the main form used by individuals who wish to sponsor their family members for immigration. It collects information about the sponsor (the person already residing in the country) and the family members being sponsored, including their relationship, personal details, and supporting documentation.

Dependent Visa Application Form: In some immigration systems, individuals who are already residing in a country may apply for dependent visas to bring their immediate family members, such as spouses, children, or parents. The dependent visa application form gathers information about the sponsor, the dependent family members, their relationship, and supporting documentation.

Affidavit of Support: In certain countries, sponsors may be required to submit an affidavit of support, which is a legal document affirming their financial responsibility for the sponsored family members. This document often includes details about the sponsor's income, assets, and ability to support the family members financially.

Medical Examination Forms: Family members being sponsored for immigration may be required to undergo a medical examination to ensure they meet the health requirements of the destination country. Medical examination forms collect the necessary health information and test results.

Relationship Documentation Forms: In order to prove the familial relationship between the sponsor and the family members being sponsored, various documents may be required. These can include birth certificates, marriage certificates, adoption papers, or other supporting evidence of the family relationship.

It's important to note that the specific forms and requirements can vary significantly depending on the country and its immigration laws and policies. It's advisable to consult the official website of the immigration authority or seek legal advice to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the necessary forms and processes for sponsoring or bringing family members to a particular country.


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