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Obrazac 1040-PR

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Obrazac 1040-PR

2021 Obrazac 1040-PR

Savezna poreska prijava za samozapošljavanje (uključujući povratni porezni kredit za djecu za dobrovjerne stanovnike Portorika)

These instructions provide guidance on completing lines 1a, 1b, and 2 of Form 1040-PR for Puerto Rico residents. Line 1a reports agricultural income and includes certain exclusions. Line 1b reports farm program payments and other miscellaneous income. Line 2 combines lines 1a, 1b, and 2.


Oznake za pretraživanje

  • Are there any exemptions for low-income households on their Formulario 1040-PR?

    Puerto Rico offers certain exemptions and credits to low-income households based on income limits. Check the Puerto Rican government's website or consult a tax professional to determine if you qualify for any of these benefits.

  • Can you explain what a Formulario 1040-PR is?

    The Formulario 1040-PR is the official tax return form used by residents of Puerto Rico to report their income and calculate any taxes owed to the government. It's similar to the mainland's IRS Form 1040, but there may be some differences in reporting requirements due to Puerto Rico's unique tax laws.

  • What information can the IRS share with other agencies or entities?

    The IRS can share taxpayer information with various government agencies and entities as required by law, including but not limited to the Social Security Administration, state and local governments for tax purposes, courts for civil and criminal cases, and foreign countries under tax treaties. The IRS may also disclose taxpayer information to federal agencies for law enforcement, intelligence, and other purposes.

  • Can I deduct donations made to charity on my Formulario 1040-PR?

    Puerto Rico allows taxpayers to deduct charitable donations made during the year, subject to certain limits. Consult the Puerto Rican government's website or a tax professional for more information.

  • What happens if I can't pay my taxes owed?

    If you cannot pay your taxes owed, contact the Puerto Rican government's tax office immediately to discuss payment options or a payment plan. They may offer installment arrangements or other relief programs.

  • How do I get my Formulario 1040-PR if I lost it?

    Contact the Puerto Rican government's tax office, or use their online services to request a duplicate copy of your Formulario 1040-PR. They may charge a fee for this service.

  • Can I e-file my Formulario 1040-PR?

    Yes, you can e-file your Formulario 1040-PR using software that is approved by the Puerto Rican government. This will typically involve using a state filing program rather than the mainland's IRS e-filing system.

  • What are the penalties for not filing a Formulario 1040-PR?

    Not filing a Formulario 1040-PR or filing late can result in penalties and interest charges. Failure to file or pay on time may also cause your tax refund to be delayed. In extreme cases, it could lead to legal action.

  • What information is required on the Formulario 1040-PR?

    The Formulario 1040-PR requires basic personal and financial information, such as name, address, filing status, income sources, deductions, credits, and any taxes paid. You'll also need to provide information about your dependents, if applicable.

  • How long does it take to complete and file Form 1040-PR?

    The estimated time to complete and file Form 1040-PR varies depending on individual circumstances. The following are the average estimated times: Maintaining records: 5 hours and 27 minutes; Learning about the law or the form: 1 hour and 26 minutes; Preparing the form: 4 hours and 3 minutes; Copying, organizing, and mailing the form to the IRS: 1 hour and 16 minutes. If you have any suggestions for simplifying this form or comments regarding its accuracy, contact the IRS.

  • What tax forms do I need to file if I have investments?

    If you have investments, such as stocks or mutual funds, you may need to file additional tax forms, such as Form 8937 for recapture of depreciation or Form 8949 for sales and dispositions of capital assets. Consult a tax professional or the Puerto Rican government website for more information.


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Savezni porezni obrasci

Obrazac 1040-PR jedan je od saveznih poreznih obrazaca koji su dokumenti koji se koriste za prijavu i podnošenje saveznih poreza na dohodak Poreznoj upravi (IRS) u Sjedinjenim Državama. Ove obrasce koriste pojedinci, tvrtke i organizacije za prijavu svojih prihoda, odbitaka i drugih relevantnih informacija potrebnih za izračun saveznih poreznih obveza.

Najčešće korišten savezni porezni obrazac je obrazac 1040, koji koriste pojedinačni porezni obveznici za prijavu poreza na dohodak. Drugi često korišteni obrasci uključuju Obrazac 1065 za partnerstva, Obrazac 1120 za korporacije i Obrazac 990 za organizacije oslobođene plaćanja poreza.

Savezni porezni obrasci obično zahtijevaju od poreznih obveznika da prijave različite izvore prihoda, kao što su nadnice, plaće i napojnice, kao i prihod od ulaganja, iznajmljivanja nekretnina i drugih izvora. Obrasci također omogućuju poreznim obveznicima traženje odbitaka i kredita za razne troškove, kao što su dobrotvorni prilozi, kamate na hipotekarni kredit i troškovi zdravstvene zaštite.

Važno je podnijeti savezne porezne obrasce točno i na vrijeme, jer nepoštivanje toga može rezultirati kaznama i kamatama od Porezne uprave.


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