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  5. Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a

Odjel: Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a

Ukupni oblici: 107

Obrasci (107)

AR-11, Alien’s Change of Address Card
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

AR-11, Alien’s Change of Address Card

Alien's Change of Address Card

EOIR-29, Notice of Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals from a Decision of a DHS Officer
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

EOIR-29, Notice of Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals from a Decision of a DHS Officer

Notice of Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals from a Decision of a DHS Officer

Form G-1041, Genealogy Index Search Request
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form G-1041, Genealogy Index Search Request

Genealogy Index Search Request

Form G-1566, Request for a Certificate of Non-Existence
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form G-1566, Request for a Certificate of Non-Existence

Request for a Certificate of Non-Existence

Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative

Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative

Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker

Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker

Form I-129CW, Petition for a CNMI-Only 
Nonimmigrant Transitional Worker
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-129CW, Petition for a CNMI-Only 
Nonimmigrant Transitional Worker

Petition for a CNMI-Only 
Nonimmigrant Transitional Worker

Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)

Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)

Form I-129S, Nonimmigrant Petition Based on Blanket L Petition
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-129S, Nonimmigrant Petition Based on Blanket L Petition

Nonimmigrant Petition Based on Blanket L Petition

Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support

Declaration of Financial Support

Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers

Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers

Form I-191, Application for Relief Under Former Section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-191, Application for Relief Under Former Section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

Application for Relief Under Former Section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant

Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant

Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission Into the United States After Deportation or Removal
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission Into the United States After Deportation or Removal

Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission Into the United States After Deportation or Removal

Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion

Notice of Appeal or Motion

Form I-356, Request for Cancellation of Public Charge Bond
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-356, Request for Cancellation of Public Charge Bond

Request for Cancellation of Public Charge Bond

Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant

Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant

Form I-363, Request to Enforce Affidavit of Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Custody for Pub. L. 97-359 Amerasian
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-363, Request to Enforce Affidavit of Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Custody for Pub. L. 97-359 Amerasian

Request to Enforce Affidavit of Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Custody for Pub. L. 97-359 Amerasian

Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of 
Lawful Permanent Resident Status
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-407, Record of Abandonment of 
Lawful Permanent Resident Status

Record of Abandonment of 
Lawful Permanent Resident Status

Form I-485 Supplement J, Confirmation of Bona Fide Job Offer or Request for Job Portability Under INA Section 204(j)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-485 Supplement J, Confirmation of Bona Fide Job Offer or Request for Job Portability Under INA Section 204(j)

Confirmation of Bona Fide Job Offer or Request for Job Portability Under INA Section 204(j)

Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence

Application to Register Permanent Residence

Form I-485A, Supplement A to Form I-485, Adjustment of Status Under Section 245(i)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-485A, Supplement A to Form I-485, Adjustment of Status Under Section 245(i)

Adjustment of Status Under Section 245(i)

Form I-508, Waiver of Certain Rights, Privileges, 
Exemptions, and Immunities
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-508, Waiver of Certain Rights, Privileges, 
Exemptions, and Immunities

Waiver of Certain Rights, Privileges, 
Exemptions, and Immunities

Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Standalone Investor
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Standalone Investor

Immigrant Petition by Standalone Investor

Form I-526E, Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-526E, Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor

Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor

Form I-566, Interagency Record of Request - A, G, or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization or Change/Adjustment To/From A, G, or NATO Status
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-566, Interagency Record of Request - A, G, or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization or Change/Adjustment To/From A, G, or NATO Status

Interagency Record of Request - A, G, or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization or Change/Adjustment To/From A, G, or NATO Status

Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative

Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative

Form I-600A, Application for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-600A, Application for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition

Application for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition

Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 1, Listing of Adult Member of the Household
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 1, Listing of Adult Member of the Household

Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information

Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility

Form I-601A, Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-601A, Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver

Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver

Form I-602, Application by Refugee for Waiver of Inadmissibility Grounds
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-602, Application by Refugee for Waiver of Inadmissibility Grounds

Application by Refugee for Waiver of Inadmissibility Grounds

Form I-612, Application for Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement (Under Section 212(e) of the I N A, as Amended)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-612, Application for Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement (Under Section 212(e) of the I N A, as Amended)

Application for Waiver of the Foreign Residence Requirement (Under Section 212(e) of the I N A, as Amended)

Form I-687, Application for Status as a Temporary Resident Under Section 245A of the INA
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-687, Application for Status as a Temporary Resident Under Section 245A of the INA

Application for Status as a Temporary Resident Under Section 245A of the INA

Form I-690 Supplement 1, Applicants with a Class A Tuberculosis Condition
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-690 Supplement 1, Applicants with a Class A Tuberculosis Condition

Applicants With a Class A Tuberculosis Condition (As Defined by Health and Human Services Regulations)

Form I-690, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility Under Sections 245A or 210 of the Immigration and Nationality Act
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-690, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility Under Sections 245A or 210 of the Immigration and Nationality Act

Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility Under Sections 245A or 210 of the Immigration and Nationality Act

Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

Form I-694, Notice of Appeal of Decision Under Sections 210 or 245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-694, Notice of Appeal of Decision Under Sections 210 or 245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act

Notice of Appeal of Decision Under I N A. Section 210 or 245 A. of the Immigration and Nationality Act

Form I-698, Application to Adjust Status From Temporary to Permanent Resident
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-698, Application to Adjust Status From Temporary to Permanent Resident

Application to Adjust Status From Temporary to Permanent Resident (Under Section 245A of the INA)

Form I-730, Refugee / Asylee Relative Petition
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-730, Refugee / Asylee Relative Petition

Refugee / Asylee Relative Petition

Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

Form I-765V, Application for Employment Authorization for Abused Nonimmigrant Spouse
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-765V, Application for Employment Authorization for Abused Nonimmigrant Spouse

Application for Employment Authorization for Abused Nonimmigrant Spouse

Form I-800 Supplement 1, Consent to Disclose Information
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-800 Supplement 1, Consent to Disclose Information

Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative

Form I-800, Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-800, Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative

Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative

Form I-800A Supplement 1, Listing of Adult Member of the Household
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-800A Supplement 1, Listing of Adult Member of the Household

Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country

Form I-800A Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-800A Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information

Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country

Form I-800A Supplement 3, Request for Action on Approved Form I-800A
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-800A Supplement 3, Request for Action on Approved Form I-800A

Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country

Form I-800A, Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-800A, Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country

Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country

Form I-817, Application for Family Unity Benefits
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-817, Application for Family Unity Benefits

Application for Family Unity Benefits

Form I-824, Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-824, Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition

Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition

Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status

Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status

Form I-845A, Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Record
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-845A, Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Record

Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Record

Form I-854B, Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Adjustment of Status
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-854B, Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Adjustment of Status

Inter-Agency Alien Witness and Informant Adjustment of Status

Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA

Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA

Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member

Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member

Form I-864EZ, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-864EZ, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA

Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA

Form I-865, Sponsor's Notice of Change of Address
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-865, Sponsor's Notice of Change of Address

Sponsor's Notice of Change of Address

Form I-881, Application for Suspension of Deportation or Special Rule Cancellation of Removal
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-881, Application for Suspension of Deportation or Special Rule Cancellation of Removal

Application for Suspension of Deportation or Special Rule Cancellation of Removal (Pursuant to Section 203 of Public Law 105-100, NACARA)

Form I-905, Application for Authorization to Issue Certification for Health Care Workers
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-905, Application for Authorization to Issue Certification for Health Care Workers

Application for Authorization to Issue Certification for Health Care

Form I-910, Application for Civil Surgeon Designation
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-910, Application for Civil Surgeon Designation

Application for Civil Surgeon Designation

Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver

Request for Fee Waiver

Form I-914, Application for T Nonimmigrant Status
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-914, Application for T Nonimmigrant Status

Application for T Nonimmigrant Status

Form I-914, Supplement A, Application for Family Member of T-1 Recipient
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-914, Supplement A, Application for Family Member of T-1 Recipient

Application for Family Member of T-1 Recipient

Form I-914, Supplement B, Declaration of Law Enforcement Officer for Victim of Trafficking in Persons
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-914, Supplement B, Declaration of Law Enforcement Officer for Victim of Trafficking in Persons

Declaration of Law Enforcement Officer for Victim of Trafficking in Persons

Form I-918 Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certification
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-918 Supplement B, U Nonimmigrant Status Certification

U Nonimmigrant Status Certification

Form I-918, Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-918, Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status

Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status

Form I-918, Supplement A, Petition for Qualifying Family Member of U-1 Recipient
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-918, Supplement A, Petition for Qualifying Family Member of U-1 Recipient

Petition for Qualifying Family Member of U-1 Recipient

Form I-929, Petition for Qualifying Family 
Member of a U-1 Nonimmigrant
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-929, Petition for Qualifying Family 
Member of a U-1 Nonimmigrant

Petition for Qualifying Family 
Member of a U-1 Nonimmigrant

Form I-941, Application for Entrepreneur Parole
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-941, Application for Entrepreneur Parole

Application for Entrepreneur Parole

Form I-942, Request for Reduced Fee
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-942, Request for Reduced Fee

Request for Reduced Fee

Form I-945, Public Charge Bond
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-945, Public Charge Bond

Public Charge Bond

Form I-956, Application for Regional Center Designation
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-956, Application for Regional Center Designation

Application for Regional Center Designation

Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise

Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise

Form I-956G, Regional Center Annual Statement
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-956G, Regional Center Annual Statement

Regional Center Annual Statement

Form I-956H, Bona Fides Persons Involved with Regional Center Program
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-956H, Bona Fides Persons Involved with Regional Center Program

Bona Fides Persons Involved with Regional Center Program

Form I-956K, Registration for Direct and Third-Party Promoters
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form I-956K, Registration for Direct and Third-Party Promoters

Registration for Direct and Third-Party Promoters

Form M-1087, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2B Filings
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form M-1087, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2B Filings

Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-1B Filings

Form M-1097, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2A Filings
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form M-1097, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2A Filings

Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-2A Filings

Form M-735, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-1B Filings
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form M-735, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-1B Filings

Optional Checklist for Form I-129 H-1B Filings

Form M-736, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 R-1 Filings
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form M-736, Optional Checklist for Form I-129 R-1 Filings

Optional Checklist for Form I-129 R-1 Filings

Form M-737, Optional Checklist for Form I-360 
Special Immigrant Religious Worker Filings
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form M-737, Optional Checklist for Form I-360 
Special Immigrant Religious Worker Filings

Optional Checklist for Form I-360

Form N-300, Application to File Declaration of Intention
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form N-300, Application to File Declaration of Intention

Application to File Declaration of Intention

Form N-426, Request for Certification of Military or Naval Service
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form N-426, Request for Certification of Military or Naval Service

Request for Certification of Military or Naval Service

Form N-470, Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form N-470, Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes

Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes

Form N-644, Application for Posthumous Citizenship
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form N-644, Application for Posthumous Citizenship

Application for Posthumous Citizenship

Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions

Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions

Form-131A, Application for Travel Document (Carrier Evidence)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Form-131A, Application for Travel Document (Carrier Evidence)

Application for Travel Document (Carrier Evidence)

G-1041A, Genealogy Records Request
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-1041A, Genealogy Records Request

Genealogy Records Request

G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance

e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance

G-1256, Declaration for Interpreted USCIS Interview
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-1256, Declaration for Interpreted USCIS Interview

Declaration for Interpreted USCIS Interview

G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions

Authorization for Credit Card Transactions

G-28I, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney in Matters Outside the Geographical Confines of the United States
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-28I, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney in Matters Outside the Geographical Confines of the United States

Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney In Matters Outside the Geographical Confines of the United States

G-325A, Biographic Information (for Deferred Action)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-325A, Biographic Information (for Deferred Action)

Biographic Information

G-845 Supplement, Document Verification Request Supplement
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-845 Supplement, Document Verification Request Supplement

Verification Request

G-845, Verification Request
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-845, Verification Request

Verification Request

G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents

Request for the Return of Original Documents

I-102, Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Document
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

I-102, Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Document

Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Document

I-129CWR, Semiannual Report for CW-1 Employers
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

I-129CWR, Semiannual Report for CW-1 Employers

Semiannual Report for CW-1 Employers

I-193. Application for Waiver of Passpost and/or Visa
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

I-193. Application for Waiver of Passpost and/or Visa

Application for Waiver of Passpost and/or Visa

I-361, Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Legal Custody of Public Law 97-359 Amerasian
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

I-361, Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Legal Custody of Public Law 97-359 Amerasian

Financial Support and Intent to Petition for Legal Custody of Public Law 97-359 Amerasian

I-864W, Request for Exemption for Intending Immigrant's Affidavit of Support
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

I-864W, Request for Exemption for Intending Immigrant's Affidavit of Support

Request for Exemption for Intending Immigrant's Affidavit of Support

I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification

Employment Eligibility Verification

I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (Spanish Version)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • španjolski

I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (Spanish Version)

Employment Eligibility Verification

Instructions for Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Instructions for Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support

Instructions for Form I-191, Application for Relief Under Former Section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Instructions for Form I-191, Application for Relief Under Former Section 212(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

Instructions for Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise
  • Službe za državljanstvo i useljeništvo SAD-a
  • Engleski

Instructions for Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise

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