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Obrazac 1040 Raspored 3 (španjolska verzija)

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Obrazac 1040 Raspored 3 (španjolska verzija)

Raspored 3 za 2021. (Obrazac 1040) (SP)

Dodatni krediti i plaćanja (španjolska verzija)

This document provides instructions for completing Schedule 3 of IRS Form 1040 for tax year 2023. It includes information on credits (lines 6a-6z) and payments or refunds (lines 9-13z). Credits cover various topics such as net premium tax credit, excess Social Security tax paid, and foreign tax credit, among others. Payments or refunds include items like advance payment of premium tax credit repayment, excess Social Security tax withheld, and miscellaneous payments or refunds. The document also includes instructions on how to fill out certain forms mentioned in the document, such as Form 8962 and Form 4136.


  • When is the deadline to file my tax return?

    The deadline to file your tax return is usually April 15th. If April 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday, you will have until the next business day to file.

  • What is my filing status?

    Your filing status depends on whether you are single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, or widowed. If you are not sure which filing status applies to you, see the instructions for your tax form or call the IRS at 1-800-829-3676.

  • Can I request an extension of time to file my tax return?

    Yes, you can request an extension of time to file your tax return by filing Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, by the due date of your tax return. This will give you extra time to file your tax return without penalty.

  • How can I avoid a tax bill?

    There are several ways you can reduce your tax bill. You can increase your deductions or credits by keeping track of deductible expenses and claiming all the deductions and credits that you qualify for. You can also contribute to retirement savings plans, which can lower your taxable income.

  • How do I report my income on my tax return?

    You must report all of your income on your tax return, including salary, wages, tips, and any other income you received during the year. You should also list any deductions or credits that apply to you.

  • Where can I file my tax return?

    You can file your tax return at the address shown below that applies to you. If you want to use a private delivery service, see Private Delivery Services under Filing Requirements, earlier. You should also include your complete return address.

  • How do I know if I need to file a tax return?

    If you have earned income and owe income tax, or if you have received income that is subject to income tax withholding, then you generally must file a tax return. If you are not sure whether you need to file a tax return, see the instructions for your tax form or call the IRS at 1-800-829-3676.

  • What is the purpose of a tax withholding allowance?

    A tax withholding allowance allows you to reduce the amount of income tax that is taken out of your paycheck. If you have too much tax taken out, you may receive a larger refund when you file your tax return. To claim a withholding allowance, fill out a new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, and give it to your employer.


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Savezni porezni obrasci

Obrazac 1040 Raspored 3 jedan je od saveznih poreznih obrazaca koji su dokumenti koji se koriste za prijavu i podnošenje saveznih poreza na dohodak Poreznoj upravi (IRS) u Sjedinjenim Državama. Ove obrasce koriste pojedinci, tvrtke i organizacije za prijavu svojih prihoda, odbitaka i drugih relevantnih informacija potrebnih za izračun saveznih poreznih obveza.

Najčešće korišten savezni porezni obrazac je obrazac 1040, koji koriste pojedinačni porezni obveznici za prijavu poreza na dohodak. Drugi često korišteni obrasci uključuju Obrazac 1065 za partnerstva, Obrazac 1120 za korporacije i Obrazac 990 za organizacije oslobođene plaćanja poreza.

Savezni porezni obrasci obično zahtijevaju od poreznih obveznika da prijave različite izvore prihoda, kao što su nadnice, plaće i napojnice, kao i prihod od ulaganja, iznajmljivanja nekretnina i drugih izvora. Obrasci također omogućuju poreznim obveznicima traženje odbitaka i kredita za razne troškove, kao što su dobrotvorni prilozi, kamate na hipotekarni kredit i troškovi zdravstvene zaštite.

Važno je podnijeti savezne porezne obrasce točno i na vrijeme, jer nepoštivanje toga može rezultirati kaznama i kamatama od Porezne uprave.


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